Despite greater wealth and easier access to sport and healthy pursuits, poor health and obesity are on the rise. Our positive mental health and well-being are always rooted in the care of our body. A healthy mind is closely related to a healthy body. It is much harder to thrive and be happy while at the same time neglecting your health and fitness. The three pillars of physical health are eating well, being physically fit and getting enough relaxation and sleep.
With the aim of supporting all of us to enjoy the best possible health and wellbeing Mayo North East LEADER Partnership Company, in collaboration with Ballina Community Sports and Leisure Centre and local groups and clubs hosted a new initiative ‘Move & Improve’ in Ballina’s Community Sports and Leisure Centre on Thursday, 13th September.
The event encouraged all adults – male and female of all ages – to look after their health, fitness and well-being by taking up a hobby to help alleviate isolation and loneliness; start a new activity to get fitter, learning how to relax and ease stress which will raise your spirit and to a better work/ life balance or make you feel more positive and ready for education, employment or progressing into something new.
The event showcased a range of stands from local groups, gyms, fitness and nutrition experts and businesses. There were numerous live demonstrations and give it a go trials. There were free health checks, CPR life saving skill demonstrations. In fact, everything one needs to begin their journey to a better life.
Mayo Mental Health Association were tin attendance promoting positive mental health; as were the local Taoist Tai Chi group who gave fantastic demonstrations in the art which helps to balance your energies into a calming and relaxing stress free life.
I enjoyed the optional ‘give it a go’ sessions, especially the Zumba which I participated in and am now going to continue with this fun and energetic activity! There were taster sessions of yoga and meditation, traditional dance, art, craft, singing. There were free health checks on the day as well as some very impressive and informative guest speakers.
The attendees were also given demonstrations on martial arts, juicing, cookery, art and creative writing. There was also a challenge yourself to what is described as one of the best activities to raise our mood and fitness level with a skipping rope.
There were fantastic spot prizes on the day and a number of limited goodie bags. Overall it was one of the best fun and informative events I have attended recently and as a result I am going to take up many of these new challenges and get on my way to better healthier fitter me!
The event was organised by Mayo North East Leader Partnership Company under the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme 2018-2022 which is funded by the Irish Government through the Department of Rural and Community Development and co-funded by the European Social Fund under the programme for Employability, inclusion and learning (PEIL) 2014-2020.
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