Empowering older people
Age Action is Ireland’s leading advocacy organisation for older people. Age Action works to ensure that older peoples’ voices are heard at the highest level of Government and that the lived experience of older people informs policy responses to their needs.
Age Action strives for a rights-based approach to how Ireland supports and plans for each of us as we grow older.
Age Action works under four themes; Health & Wellbeing; Consultation & Participation; Lifelong Learning; and Advocacy & Rights. Our programmes are designed to ensure that older people are supported to be active, engaged members of their community whose voices are heard at all levels of service planning and policy making.
Getting Started Programme
As part of our fight against digital exclusion, Age Action’s Getting Started programme delivers training on computers, the internet and mobile phones to people over the age of 55. The programme was designed specifically to address the challenges and barriers experienced by older learners. Volunteers are trained and supported to provide one-to-one tuition in a relaxed and non-formal learning environment. The training takes place in small classes groups and runs in libraries, community centres, schools, colleges, family resource centres, corporate offices, and housing complexes for older people.
Since 2006 Age Action has trained more than 35,000 older people with the assistance of thousands of volunteer tutors. During 2018, we provided 10 hours of one to one training to over 2,500 older people. Digital Literacy is a necessity and older people in Ireland must be empowered and enabled to be fully-fledged digital citizens, to use the internet to access information and services, to communicate with friends and family, to pursue education opportunities and to do their business online. Join Age Action and support our work with older people
TUESDAYS 10.30am – 12.30pm
The ‘Getting Started’ programme aims to make over 55’s comfortable using a computer / tablet / ipad / smartphone and the internet. Tutoring is usually on a one-to-one basis in a relaxed atmosphere.
Classes are 2 hours once a week for 5 weeks.
For more information
email: gettingstartedgalway@ageaction.ie or call 091 527831.
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