The Enniscoe Estate has been awarded the prestigious Green Flag award for 2019. The awards are run by An Taisce and are only awarded for exceeding tough environmental standards in green space management, and excellence of visitor attractions – the Green Flag Award for Parks is the mark of a quality park or green space and is recognised throughout the world.
Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring, TD stated: “I am very pleased with the news that Enniscoe gardens and estate were awarded a Green Flag award this year. The gardens are spectacular due to a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment to this project. The gardens and estate compliment the Mayo North Heritage Centre and all the other wonderful facilities which are located on the grounds of Enniscoe House. I commend all involved in achieving the Green Flag award”.
The first gardens at Enniscoe were laid out at the time the first house was built in the early 18th Century but it is not known exactly where they were situated. However, by the late 18th Century Enniscoe House was in its present position and the garden walls enclosed three acres, complete with propagating house and stone built orangery. Gradually over the next 150 years the gardens and estate took on the appearance that is still evident today.
From 1870 up to 1950 the gardens were kept in perfect order with little expense spared. Visitors were welcomed to view them and flowers, fruit and vegetables were freely available. After 1950 the gardens fell into decline, the last head gardener died in 1965, and although the family tried to keep them going it was not possible to do very much. The gates finally closed sometime in the 1970’s. It was not until the Great Gardens of Ireland Restoration Programme was launched in 1995 that the decision was taken to work again in the gardens. By that time the ornamental garden was overgrown with brambles, other weeds, sapling ash and sycamore. After three years of hard work the garden was officially opened to the public in 1999.
Susan Kellett, owner of The Enniscoe Estate added: “It’s over thirty years since I took over the ownership and management of Enniscoe House and Estate. In that time we have set about the restoration of the house and gardens and redeveloped the estate into a community focused destination for this rural and regionalcommunity. I am delighted that the work carried out by so many people over the years has been recognised by An Taisce.”
The North Mayo Heritage Centre is dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich heritage of the region, which includes the environment and the BioDiversity of the Enniscoe Estate. This incorporates the targets that have been set by the EU Biodiversity Action plan and Ireland’s National Biodiversity Plan (2011-2016).
Enniscoe Estate has long been recognised for its rich biodiversity. The organic garden has been certified for 24 years with produce being shortlisted by Bord Bia for a national organic food award in 2016.
“In terms of urban renewal, and rural and community development, the Green Flag Award for Parks is a logical and sensible step towards supporting community engagement with green space improvement, and helps increase the quality of life within our communities” , said Robert Moss, the Green Flag Award for Parks manager for the Republic of Ireland.
The Green Flag Award Scheme encourages high environmental performance and good management. Parks and green spaces are judged against eight key criteria. The judging criteria also considers the fact that each park/green space will offer different kinds of facilities, and will be managed and developed to varying opportunities and constraints. Innovation and the way facilities offered are tailored to the needs of the community will also be taken into account.
The North Mayo Heritage Centre is located at Enniscoe. The gardens are open to the public seven days a week during the summer months with guided tours of Enniscoe House and gardens on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Friday @ 12.00 noon.
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